
Facts Everyone Should Know About Technology Advancements

facts technology advancements
Written by veebuttrfly

Human beings have performed tremendous things during the previous century, due to technological breakthroughs. Technology has given us great tools and resources to make our lives simpler, and we should take use of them. When it comes to technical advancements, new discoveries are made so often that it is impossible for many individuals to keep up with the pace of advancement.

In many ways, the stories behind these technical wonders are more fascinating than the miracles themselves. Here are five intriguing little-known facts about technology, which we all use on a daily basis, that you should be aware of.

When typing on a typewriter or keyboard, individuals want to show off their typing speed. When it comes to specific jobs, having faster and more exact typing skills might even provide you a competitive edge. Was it ever brought to your attention that the current QWERTY keyboard layout is the product of a solution designed to slow down typing speed?

Remington and Sons eventually came up with the present QWERTY keyboard layout, which solved the problem of typebars being stuck together. A Water Integrator was a kind of computer that functioned on the principle of water. Russian scientist Vladimir Sergeevich Lukyanov developed the world’s first computer in 1936, which was capable of solving partial differential equations. The water was used to move the device, which is an astonishing achievement.

Lukyanov’s construction company was unable to find a solution to the cracks that formed in concrete as a result of the sub-zero temperatures experienced throughout the winter. Lukyanov investigated the temperature conditions in concrete masonry in order to get a better understanding of how the material heats up. Finally, he developed the water integrator machine, which was capable of displaying graphs and assisting in the visualisation of the thermal process throughout the final stages of the project.

Water computers were in use in industrial enterprises, research organisations, and educational institutions far into the 1970s, according to the National Water Computer Association. In recent years, as digital computers have become more powerful and simpler to use, the use of hydraulic integrators has decreased.

The very first computer mouse was a prototype.

Stanford Research Institute (SRI) was responsible for the development of the world’s first computer mouse in the 1960s. The device was referred to as an “X-Y position indicator for displays.”

Douglas Engelbart and Bill English are credited with inventing the mouse in the early 1950s. It is a common misunderstanding that Xerox APAC was the company that invented the mouse. When Engelbart first exhibited the mouse on the Xerox Alto computer in 1968, it was a game-changer. He nicknamed the demo the “Mother of All Demos” and referred to it as such.

For Engelbart, the instrument was dubbed ‘Mouse’ because the wire that protruded from it seemed to him to be similar to the tail of an animal.


Wikipedia is well-known to the vast majority of people who use the internet nowadays. On the internet, you may access a massive reservoir of crowd-sourced information. A well-known aspect of Wikipedia’s online encyclopaedia is the fact that it is produced and maintained entirely by volunteers.

What you may not have realised is that hundreds of bots (automated programmes) are now responsible for maintaining Wikipedia’s articles. Today, 2468 bot jobs have been authorised to do maintenance work on more than 52 million English Wikipedia pages via the use of artificial intelligence.

Bots do a variety of duties such as generating new pages, editing spelling and style, and other similar activities. Whenever pages are modified as a result of vandalism, bots may also attempt to restore the pages to their prior condition.

The creation of bots for Wikipedia is simple and may be done by anybody with a basic grasp of programming. To be able to maintain Wikipedia articles, these programmes must first be approved by the Bot Approval Group before they can begin.

As the co-founder of many communications companies, Martin Cooper has earned the title of “Father of the Handheld Cellphone” among his peers. As an employee of Motorola (an American multinational telecommunications business) in the 1970s, Cooper was responsible for the development of the first portable cellular phone. M. Cooper was the driving force behind Motorola’s concepts, which he successfully implemented and introduced to the market in 1983. He was the first individual to use a portable mobile phone to make a public phone call in the United States.

IBM was the company that created the first smartphone.

Although IBM is credited with developing the world’s first “Smartphone” in the early 1990s, it was not until 2010-2011 that the “real” Smartphone began to gain popularity. Motorola, the pioneer in mobile phones, started to dominate the industry in 2011 with smartphones such as the Motorola Atrix 4G, which helped the company establish a stronghold in the market. From the year 2012 forward, additional companies, including as Apple, Samsung, and LG, will enter the fray to participate. By 2020, smartphones from Samsung, Apple, and China will account for a large portion of the global Smartphone market.

Is Nokia making a spectacular comeback?

When smartphones were widely available in 2012-2013, they effectively dethroned Nokia as the major and dominant basic phone manufacturer. When you keep this in mind, it becomes evident that the technological world is always changing. The good news is that Nokia is making a full return today with its many smartphone models, which is really exciting. When the battle for triumph in the cutthroat world of technology, it is amusing to see them do so once again.

Keeping up with technology developments may prove to be a costly endeavour.

Since 2009, Android has been continuously upgrading and updating its operating system. Furthermore, updates are required for security reasons, such as preventing hacking, correcting security issues, and eliminating outdated functionality in favour of more up-to-date versions of the software. However, although this may be true, individuals “buy” into the notion and are willing to pay the market price in order to keep up with technological advances. Between 2008 and 2020, Android has had a total of 18 updates. Take, for example, Android, which has undergone a lot of changes since its first release in 2009.

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